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Monitoring and evaluation of machinery performance of production plant - Danfoss a.s.

Hardware 1x PC Sever + 12x PC Client + 15x PmWebClient, MS SQL Server
Control stations 24x PLC typu Hitachi, Sprecher_Schuh, Simatic, Mitsubishi
Implementation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.
Date of commission 2015
Contact person Ing.Vladimír Klimant, mail: Vladimir.Klimant@danfoss.com

Manufacturing info system for monitoring and evaluation of manufacturing devices (thermostat production) provides:
- Technological data processing: acquisition, validation and archving of technological and manufacturing data, events, variables
- Communication with PLC devices, sensors and meters by standard communication protocols
- Monitoring and evaluation of manufacturing devices performance and devices parameter setup.
- Evaluation of device utilization and personnel performance in defined time ranges
- Entering manufacturing parameters, receptures and other
- Evaluation of number of manufactured products, device cycle time, etc.
- Data import from predefined tables and templates MS Excel
- Ordering system: entering / editing orders, record of order changes,...
- Preparation of analysis, balance, manufacturing plannig data inputs
- Archiving data into central database MS SQL Server, providing manufacturing history data
- Automated data export into prepared forms MS Excel
- Setting of permissions and passwords

Visualization of technological data
Visualization of technology operation is implemented on terminal PC stations located by the machines ("full" PROMOTIC client) or Web clients PROMOTIC in enterprise Intranet network
- Overview screen of main operation statuses in the production hall (layout)
- Screens indicating online values for selected machine or group of machines
- Displaying online values for selected machine
- Graphic interpretaion of values progression in time
- Screens for management and parameter setup of the system (only for a group of selected users)
- Viewing and editing of codelist (product codes, machines, etc.)
- Possibility to add (or delete) new entry into the codelist
- Evaluation screens and reporting

The system provides complete information regarding the manufacturing process and technology operation:
- Central data server keeps database of all technological values, products and system parameters
- Provides optimization of manufacturing processes and helps to decrease the costs in manufacturing enterprise
- Client visualizasion stations (Web clients) on the enterprise intranet are used for comfortable monitoring and parametrization of manufacturing, entering manufacturing projects by operators, production manager, etc.

Ordering system
- Management of order list to be executed on machines
a. filling in the orders by electronic forms
b. assigning to operators and machines
c. changing order of manufacturing orders or creating new orders / editing orders
- Checking order status
- Writing parameters of the order into the machine (writing parameters into the PLC device)
- Recording manufacturing time and machine shutdowns, total time, sorting by shutdown reason, sorting shutdowns by orders
- Periodical reading and evaluation of manufacturing and technological data from the PLC device:
a. quantity of OK / scrap products
b. operation time / shutdown time
c. assignment of shutdown codes and reasons to machines

Monitoring of materil flow = products
The system provides monitoring of technological material flow in the manufacturing process (product movement)

Evaluation of measured data
The system allows evaluation of measured data from each machine according to:
- product type
- selected time range (shift, day, week, month, year, defined time-range)
- machine number (machine code)
- operator name

In output reports the technological data is evaluated according to various criteria and requirements of the operator:
- number of products in pcs: OK or SCRAP
- machine operation / shutdown
- machine shutdown specification
- number of machine shutdowns
- plannes/real utilization of machines according to logges operator (e.g. shift report (8/6, 9)hour)
- in absolute/relative period e.g. for shift report (8/6, 9) hour
- exports into prepared XLS
- measurement of OEE and cycle times for individual modules
- quality measurement reports

automated data filling into prepared Excel forms
Automated export of manufacturing data (e.g. machine shutdown codes) into prepared output reports in the MS Excel format. Individual electronic forms (hourly records, checking form etc.) have been created for each workstation (PC at the machine).

User system
There are multiple user types with different access rights defined in the system:
- manufacturing data viewing and evaluation
- production engineer
- system administrator with the possibility to set system parameters

User access to the system is protected by passwords. The system checks for operator name logging into the system. Editing user list (edit, create new, delete) can be done only by authorized personnel.
- Monitoring of manufacturing machines operation - Danfoss a.s.
© MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.