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Malt processing control and monitoring - Malt-house Trnava

Hardware: PC, Windows OS, OPC
Control stations:
Monitoring the storage containers levels – Pointek CLS 100PPS
Process control – 2x B&R X20CP1485
Frequency inverter - ACOPOS inverter P84
Intelligent switches - B&R 4XP00021
Barley turner with control system – PowerPanel PP45
Date of commission: 2009
Application designer/company name: AGRO VOS, spol. s r.o.,

The barley processing is monitored and controlled from the supervisory centre via the PROMOTIC system. B&R OPC server is running on the visualization PC, that communicates with the control systems, collects the data and implements the configurations as needed. The PROMOTIC system contains an OPC client that is used for receiving and transmitting the data.

- Malt processing control and monitoring - Malt-house Trnava
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