
Error codes

All methods of the AtouchX object (with the exception of the version checking methods) return an error code.
The error code is a 16-bit value whose upper byte specifies where the error occurred and whose lower byte specifies the type of error.
The value of 0 has the meaning "the function succeeded without error".
Constant Decimal value Hexadecimal value Description
arrOK 0 &H0 No error, method result OK.
General errors of the communication core
arrWK_SecondApp 256 &H100 The communication core is already used by another application.
Usually occurs when trying to run two applications accessing the DbNet network on one computer at the same time.
arrWK_NotInit 257 &H101 The communication core has not been initialized.
Usually occurs when using methods without initialization.
arrWK_AlreadyInit 258 &H102 The communication core has already been initialized.
Usually occurs on the second invocation of initialization methods without deinitialization.
arrWK_NoTempMem 259 &H103 Internal memory allocation error for string conversion.
arrWK_CreateGuard 260 &H104 Internal mutex creation error.
arrWK_BadTime 263 &H107 Wrong time in the conversion function.
Usually occurs when entering time out of the range of the format into the conversion functions TimeFromDbNet or TimeToDbNet.
arrWK_CreateResClb 264 &H108 Internal error when allocating structures to cancel callback functions.
arrWK_BadAttr 272 &H110 For advanced users and experts. Unknown attribute identifier.
Local database errors
arrDB_OpenError 512 &H200 Failed to open the database description file.
Usually occurs when the filename is incorrectly specified in the initialization functions.
arrDB_OpenAlloc 513 &H201 Internal memory allocation error for the database description file.
arrDB_OpenRead 514 &H202 Failed to read the database description file. A rather unusual error occurs if another application has a database description file open for exclusive use.
arrDB_BadStruct 515 &H203 Database description structure is incorrect.
Usually occurs when the type or missing parameter of a database variable is incorrectly specified.
arrDB_BadScanf 516 &H204 Error on reading a number from the database description.
Usually occurs when the database description is wrong, where the expected number (WID, dimension or station) is replaced by another text.
arrDB_NoMemory 517 &H205 Not enough space to create database. A rather untypical error occurring when trying to initialize a very large local database.
arrDB_CreateGuard 518 &H206 Internal mutex creation error.
arrDB_RedefItem 520 &H208 Some database variable is listed twice.
Usually occurs when the database description is incorrect
arrDB_BadRow 528 &H210 Wrong row (rows) of the database variable.
Usually occurs when trying to work with a database matrix outside its row dimensions.
arrDB_BadCol 529 &H211 Wrong column (columns) of the database variable.
Usually occurs when trying to work with a database matrix outside its column dimensions.
arrDB_BadType 530 &H212 Wrong database variable in the read/write method of the general database variable.
arrDB_NoVariable 531 &H213 The database variable does not exist.
Usually occurs when WID is entered incorrectly.
arrDB_BadHandle 532 &H214 Wrong handle to the database variable.
arrDB_RedefAlarm 534 &H216 For advanced users. The method for setting the alarm has been called, and the alarm is already defined. The previous alarm must first be cancelled.
arrDB_NoDatagram 536 &H218 For advanced users. A method was called to confirm a datagram, and the variable is not set to monitor datagrams.
General hardware errors
arrHW_OpenError 768 &H300 Failed to open the hardware connection description file.
Usually occurs when the filename is incorrectly entered in the initialization functions.
arrHW_OpenAlloc 769 &H301 Internal memory allocation error for hardware connection description file.
arrHW_OpenRead 770 &H302 Unable to read the file with the description of the hardware connection. A rather unusual error occurs if another application has a hardware connection description file open for exclusive use.
arrHW_BadStruct 771 &H303 Incorrect structure of the hardware connection description.
Usually occurs when the [General] section of the hardware description is missing.
arrHW_BadScanf 772 &H304 Error on reading the number from the hardware connection description.
Usually occurs when the hardware connection description is wrong, where instead of the expected station number in the MyStation key there is a different text.
arrHW_NoMemory 773 &H305 Internal error when allocating structures for hardware DLLs.
arrHW_CreateGuard 774 &H306 Internal mutex creation error.
arrHW_NoParams 775 &H307 A mandatory parameter is missing in the description of the connection hardware.
Usually occurs when the MyStation key is missing.
arrHW_RedefParams 776 &H308 Some parameter is listed twice.
Usually occurs when the hardware description of connection is wrong.
arrHW_CreateService 777 &H309 Internal error when creating a hardware thread.
arrHW_BadStation 784 &H310 Wrong PC station number in the MyStation key in the hardware connection description.
arrHW_NoDLL 785 &H311 Unable to find hardware DLL.
Usually occurs when the hardware connection description is incorrect, when the name of the section describing the hardware is incorrect.
In a worse case, it can also indicate a corrupted installation, where some necessary components of the communication kernel have been deleted.
arrHW_BadDLL 786 &H312 The DLL hardware does not match the expected interface. Relatively untypical error due to corrupted installation (DLL overwriting).
arrHW_BadVersion 787 &H313 The version of the hardware DLL does not match the requested version. Relatively untypical error due to corrupted installation (inconsistency between DLL versions).
arrHW_MixStation 788 &H314 In the hardware description some stations are listed twice.
Usually occurs when the hardware description of the connection is incorrect, when each station can only be connected with one type of hardware.
arrHW_MaxSeg 789 &H315 In the hardware description, some sections are listed more times than allowed.
Usually a connection hardware description error occurs when some sections (modem connection [MDM] and test connection [NON]) can be listed only once.
arrHW_NoStream 792 &H318 Incorrect stream identifier in datagram response method (usually the stream has already been closed and the response cannot be sent).
Communication errors
arrRQ_CreateGuard 1024 &H400 Internal mutex creation error.
arrRQ_LocalReq 1025 &H401 The requirement for communication is local.
Usually occurs when trying to read/write information (database variable, time, identification) from/to the PC. For advanced users. For reading/writing database variables belonging to the PC, the methods for reading/writing from/to the local database must be used.
arrRQ_NoStation 1026 &H402 The station has not been initialized.
Usually occurs when trying to work with the station (read status, read/write time, etc.), which is not described in the hardware connection description.
arrRQ_FullBuff 1027 &H403 The communication buffer is full.
Usually occurs with high data transfer demands at one time. It is necessary to spread the communication over a longer period of time.
arrRQ_BadCount 1030 &H406 Bad data length in methods communicating memory and station ports.
arrRQ_RedefPlug 1046 &H416 For advanced users. A method has been called to set up station status monitoring, and the monitoring is already defined. First, the previous station status tracking must be cancelled.
Connection errors with DOKOPO
arrDK_BadStruct 2051 &H803 Erroneous structure of the hardware connection description using DOKOPO.
Usually occurs with syntax error in the [DKP] section.
arrDK_BadScanf 2052 &H804 Error on reading the number from the hardware connection description DOKOPO.
Usually occurs when the hardware connection description is wrong, where instead of the expected number in one of the keys in the [DKP] section there is a different text.
arrDK_NoMemory 2053 &H805 Internal structure allocation error for DOKOPO.
arrDK_CreateGuard 2054 &H806 Internal mutex creation error.
arrDK_NoParams 2055 &H807 In the description of the hardware connection DOKOPO a mandatory parameter is missing.
Usually it occurs when the in the [DKP] section key is missing.
arrDK_RedefParams 2056 &H808 Some parameter in the hardware connection description DOKOPO is listed twice.
Usually occurs with a wrong description in the [DKP] section.
arrDK_CreateService 2057 &H809 Internal error when creating hardware thread for DOKOPO.
arrDK_BadOffset 2058 &H80A Wrong segment offset in the OfsNet key. Values 0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192 and 224 are allowed for the segment offset.
arrDK_BadStation 2064 &H810 Wrong station number in one of the Station keys in the [DKP] section.
arrDK_BadSpeed 2068 &H814 Wrong or unsupported DbNet communication speed for DOKOPO in the Speed in the [DKP] section key.
arrDK_VxDOpen 2069 &H815 Cannot open the driver for DOKOPO. Relatively untypical error due to corrupted installation (missing VxD).
arrDK_VxDOldVersion 2070 &H816 The driver version does not match the requested version. Relatively untypical error due to corrupted installation (inconsistent versions of individual components).
arrDK_VxDNotInit 2071 &H817 Error during the installation of the DOKOPO driver.
Usually occurs when an error occurs when allocating DOKOPO.
The DOKOPO card specified in the DKP key is already in use or is not installed correctly on the computer.
arrDK_IRQCreateEvent 2072 &H818 Internal event creation error.
arrDK_DownloadFail 2076 &H81C You cannot load a program into the DOKOPO tab. Relatively untypical error due to bad installation of DOKOPO on the computer or hardware error of the card.
arrDK_BoardStay 2077 &H81D After loading the program into DOKOPO, the program did not run. A rather untypical error caused by a possible HW error of the DOKOPO card.
arrDK_NotResponse 2078 &H81E The service requested by the DOKOPO card ended with an error (or the DOKOPO card did not respond). A rather untypical error occurring when DOKOPO is heavily loaded.
Modem connection errors
arrMD_BadStruct 2307 &H903 Error in the structure of the description of the hardware modem connection.
Usually occurs with syntax error in the [MDM] section.
arrMD_BadScanf 2308 &H904 Error on reading the number from the modem hardware connection description.
Usually occurs when the hardware connection description is wrong, where instead of the expected number in one of the keys in the [MDM] section there is a different text.
arrMD_NoMemory 2309 &H905 Internal error when allocating structures for modems.
arrMD_CreateGuard 2310 &H906 Internal mutex creation error.
arrMD_NoParams 2311 &H907 There is a mandatory parameter missing in the description of the hardware modem connection.
Usually occurs when the in the [MDM] section key is missing.
arrMD_RedefParams 2312 &H908 Some parameter in the description of the HW modem connection is listed twice.
Usually occurs with a wrong description in the [MDM] section.
arrMD_CreateService 2313 &H909 Internal error when creating hardware thread for modems.
arrMD_BadStation 2320 &H910 Wrong station number in one of the Station keys in the [MDM] section.
arrMD_BadStParams 2321 &H911 Wrong station parameters in one of the Station keys in the [MDM] section.
arrMD_BadCOM 2322 &H912 Wrong COM number in one of the ModemCom keys in the [MDM] section.
arrMD_BadATString 2323 &H913 Wrong syntax of an AT command in one of the ModemCom keys in the [MDM] section.
arrMD_BadPIN 2324 &H914 Wrong PIN number in one of the ModemCom keys in the [MDM] section.
arrMD_OpenCOM 2336 &H920 Cannot open the specified COM port of the PC.
Usually occurs if one of the specified COM ports is already used by another application.
arrMD_SetCOM 2337 &H921 Cannot set the necessary parameters of the COM port of the PC.
Usually occurs when the COM port speed is unsupported, otherwise the error indicates HW problems with the specified COM port of the PC.
arrMD_NoConnect 2338 &H922 Cannot communicate (read/write) because there is no free modem available.
Usually occurs if all possible modems are currently in use and the remaining ones are in failure.
There may also be higher priority modems that may not be used for lower priority communication. It is necessary to free up a modem first (for example, by cancelling a connection in progress).
arrMD_ConnectBusy 2339 &H923 Cannot communicate (read/write) because there is no free modem available right now.
Usually occurs if there is no free modem, but there is at least one that is currently "recovering" and will be available in a few seconds. It is necessary to wait a while and then retry the communication attempt.
COM connection errors
arrCM_BadStruct 2563 &HA03 Incorrect structure of the description of the HW connection using COM.
Usually occurs with syntax error in the [COM] section.
arrCM_BadScanf 2564 &HA04 Error on reading the number from the description of the HW COM connection.
Usually occurs when the HW connection description is wrong, where instead of the expected number in one of the keys in the [COM] section there is a different text.
arrCM_NoMemory 2565 &HA05 Internal COM structure allocation error.
arrCM_CreateGuard 2566 &HA06 Internal mutex creation error.
arrCM_NoParams 2567 &HA07 There is a mandatory parameter missing in the description of the COM HW connection.
Usually occurs when the in the [COM] section key is missing.
arrCM_RedefParams 2568 &HA08 Some parameter in the description of the HW COM connection is listed twice.
Usually occurs with a wrong description in the [COM] section.
arrCM_CreateService 2569 &HA09 Internal error when creating HW thread for COM.
arrCM_BadOffset 2570 &HA0A Wrong segment offset in the OfsNet key. Values 0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192 and 224 are allowed for the segment offset.
arrCM_BadStation 2576 &HA10 Wrong station number in one of the Station keys in the [COM] section.
arrCM_BadCOM 2577 &HA11 Wrong COM number in one of the Com keys in the [COM] section.
arrCM_BadSpeed 2578 &HA12 Wrong or unsupported DbNet communication speed for COM in the Speed in the [COM] section key.
arrCM_OpenCOM 2592 &HA20 Cannot open the specified COM port of the PC.
Usually occurs if one of the specified COM ports is already used by another application.
arrCM_SetCOM 2593 &HA21 Cannot set the necessary parameters of the COM port of the PC.
Usually occurs when the COM port speed is unsupported, otherwise the error indicates hardware problems with the specified PC COM port.
arrCM_NoTimer 2594 &HA22 The PC lacks the exact timer needed for communication. A rather untypical error occurring in older computers, which prevents the connection to the DbNet network from being established using the COM port of the PC.
UDP protocol Ethernet connection errors
arrUD_BadStruct 2819 &HB03 Error in the structure of the hardware description of the Ethernet connection.
Usually occurs with syntax error in the [UDP] section.
arrUD_BadScanf 2820 &HB04 Error on reading the number from the Ethernet connection hardware description.
Usually occurs when the hardware connection description is wrong, where instead of the expected number in one of the keys in the [UDP] section there is a different text.
arrUD_NoMemory 2821 &HB05 Internal error when allocating structures for UDP.
arrUD_CreateGuard 2822 &HB06 Internal mutex creation error.
arrUD_NoParams 2823 &HB07 A mandatory parameter is missing in the description of the Ethernet connection hardware.
Usually occurs when the in the [UDP] section key is missing.
arrUD_RedefParams 2824 &HB08 Some parameter in the hardware description of the Ethernet connection is listed twice.
Usually occurs when the description in the [UDP] section is wrong.
arrUD_CreateService 2825 &HB09 Internal error when creating a hardware thread for UDP.
arrUD_BadOffset 2826 &HB0A Incorrectly specified offset in the Offset key. Must be in the range 0 - 65504.
arrUD_BadStation 2832 &HB10 Wrong station number in one of the Station keys in the [UDP] section.
arrUD_BadIP 2833 &HB11 Wrong numeric IP address in one of the Address keys in the [UDP] section.
arrUD_DuplIP 2834 &HB12 Duplicated IP address. Each gateway must have a unique IP address in the Address in the [UDP] section key.
arrUD_OpenWinsock 2848 &HB20 Cannot open Winsock for communication. An installed Winsock of at least version 2.00 is required.
arrUD_OpenSocket 2849 &HB21 Cannot open socket for communication.
arrUD_GetIP 2850 &HB22 A text address entered in some Address in the [UDP] section key cannot be converted to an IP address.
Point-to-point connection errors using "service mode"
arrSM_BadStruct 3075 &HC03 Incorrect structure of the hardware description of the point-to-point connection using "service mode".
Usually occurs with syntax error in the [SVM] section.
arrSM_BadScanf 3076 &HC04 Error on reading the number from the description of the HW point-to-point connection using "service mode".
Usually occurs when the HW connection description is wrong, where instead of the expected number in one of the keys in the [SVM] section there is a different text.
arrSM_NoMemory 3077 &HC05 Internal error when allocating structures for point-to-point connection using "service mode".
arrSM_CreateGuard 3078 &HC06 Internal mutex creation error.
arrSM_NoParams 3079 &HC07 In the hardware description of the point-to-point connection using "service mode", a mandatory parameter is missing.
Usually occurs when the in the [SVM] section key is missing.
arrSM_RedefParams 3080 &HC08 Some parameter in the hardware description of the point-to-point connection using "service mode" is listed twice.
Usually occurs with a wrong description in the [SVM] section.
arrSM_CreateService 3081 &HC09 Internal error when creating hardware thread for point-to-point connection using "service mode".
arrSM_BadStation 3088 &HC10 Wrong station number in one of the Station keys in the [SVM] section.
arrSM_OpenCOM 3104 &HC20 Cannot open the specified COM port of the PC.
Usually occurs if one of the specified COM ports is already used by another application.
arrSM_SetCOM 3105 &HC21 Cannot set the necessary parameters of the COM port of the PC.
Usually occurs when the COM port speed is unsupported, otherwise the error indicates HW problems with the specified COM port of the PC.
Point-to-point connection errors using "service mode"
arrGP_BadStruct 3331 &HD03 Error in the structure of the description of the hardware connection using GPRS.
Usually occurs with syntax error in the [GPR] section.
arrGP_BadScanf 3332 &HD04 Error on reading the number from the hardware connection description using GPRS.
Usually occurs when the hardware connection description is wrong, where instead of the expected number in one of the keys in the [GPR] section there is a different text.
arrGP_NoMemory 3333 &HD05 Internal error when allocating structures for connection using GPRS.
arrGP_CreateGuard 3334 &HD06 Internal mutex creation error.
arrGP_NoParams 3335 &HD07 There is a mandatory parameter missing in the description of the hardware connection using GPRS.
Usually it occurs when the in the [GPR] section key is missing.
arrGP_RedefParams 3336 &HD08 Some parameter in the description of the hardware connection using GPRS is listed twice.
Usually occurs with a bad description in the [GPR] section.
arrGP_CreateService 3337 &HD09 Internal error when creating hardware thread for connection using GPRS.
arrGP_BadStation 3344 &HD10 Wrong station number in one of the Station keys in the [GPR] section.
arrGP_BadIP 3345 &HD11 Wrong numeric IP address in one of the keys MyAddress or Station in the [GPR] section.
arrGP_DuplIP 3346 &HD12 Duplicated IP address. Each gateway must have a unique IP address in the Station in the [GPR] section key.
arrGP_OpenCOM 3360 &HD20 Cannot open the specified COM port of the PC.
Usually occurs if one of the specified COM ports is already used by another application.
arrGP_SetCOM 3361 &HD21 Cannot set the necessary parameters of the COM port of the PC.
Usually occurs when the COM port speed is unsupported, otherwise the error indicates hardware problems with the specified PC COM port.
Ethernet connection errors via TCP protocol
arrTC_BAD_STRUCT 3587 &HE03 Error in the structure of the hardware description of the Ethernet connection.
Usually occurs with syntax error in the [TCP] section.
arrTC_BAD_SCANF 3588 &HE04 Error on reading the number from the Ethernet connection hardware description.
Usually occurs when the hardware connection description is wrong, where instead of the expected number in one of the keys in the [TCP] section there is a different text.
arrTC_NoMemory 3589 &HE05 Internal error when allocating structures for TCP.
arrTC_CreateGuard 3590 &HE06 Internal mutex creation error.
arrTC_NO_PARAMS 3591 &HE07 A mandatory parameter is missing in the description of the Ethernet hardware connection.
Usually it occurs when the in the [TCP] section key is missing.
arrTC_REDEF_PARAMS 3592 &HE08 Some parameter in the description of the Ethernet hardware connection is listed twice.
Usually occurs when the description in the [TCP] section is wrong.
arrTC_CreateService 3593 &HE09 Internal error when creating hardware thread for TCP connection.
arrTC_BAD_OFFSET 3594 &HE0A Incorrectly specified offset in the Offset key. Must be in the range 0 - 65504.
arrTC_BAD_STATION 3600 &HE10 Wrong station number in one of the Station keys in the [TCP] section.
arrTC_BAD_IP 3601 &HE11 Wrong numeric IP address in one of the keys Address or Station in the [TCP] section.
arrTC_DUPL_IP 3602 &HE12 Duplicated IP address. Each gateway must have a unique IP address + port in the Address in the [TCP] section key.
arrTC_OPEN_WINSOCK 3616 &HE20 Cannot open Winsock for communication. An installed Winsock of at least version 2.00 is required.
arrTC_OPEN_SOCKET 3617 &HE21 Cannot open socket for communication.
arrTC_GET_IP 3618 &HE22 Text address in some key Address in the [TCP] section cannot be converted to an IP address.
Errors in processing (reading) archives.
arrPA_OpenError 4864 &H1300 Unable to open archive description file.
Usually occurs when the filename is incorrectly specified in the initialization functions.
arrPA_OpenAlloc 4865 &H1301 Internal memory allocation error for archive description file.
arrPA_OpenRead 4866 &H1302 Failed to read the archive description file. A rather unusual error occurs if another application has an archive description file open for exclusive use.
arrPA_BadStruct 4867 &H1303 Faulty structure of archive descriptions.
Usually occurs with missing separator (equal to, comma) in some key or a missing part of a key.
arrPA_BadScanf 4868 &H1304 Error on reading the number from archive descriptions.
Usually occurs when the archive description is wrong, where the expected number in a key is replaced by a different text.
arrPA_NoMemory 4869 &H1305 Internal error when allocating structures for archives.
arrPA_CreateGuard 4870 &H1306 Internal mutex creation error.
arrPA_NoParams 4871 &H1307 A mandatory parameter is missing in the archive description.
Usually occurs when a key is missing.
arrPA_RedefParams 4872 &H1308 Some parameter is listed twice.
Usually occurs when archives are described incorrectly.
arrPA_CreateIdle 4873 &H1309 Internal error when creating archive thread.
arrPA_BadStation 4880 &H1310 Wrong station number in one of the MyStation keys in the archive description.
arrPA_BadWIDArchive 4881 &H1311 Wrong WID of database matrix with archive values.
Usually occurs when the WID in one of the Data keys is incorrectly entered. or if the database matrix for the operation log is not of the MI type.
arrPA_BadWIDIndex 4882 &H1312 Wrong WID of database variable with archive index.
Usually occurs when the WID in one of the Index keys is incorrectly entered. or if the database variable is not of the I type.
arrPA_BadWIDTime 4883 &H1313 Wrong WID of database variable with archive index.
Usually occurs when the WID in one of the Time keys is incorrectly entered. or if the database variable is not of the ML type.
arrPA_BadSizeArchive 4884 &H1314 Wrong size of the database matrix with archive values.
Usually occurs if the database matrix with archive values has a different number of columns than the previous matrix or than the database matrix with sample times.
This may be a misstatement of a different database variable in the description of the archives or an error in the description of a database variable in the database description.
arrPA_BadSizeTime 4885 &H1315 Wrong database matrix size with archive sample times.
Usually occurs if the database matrix with archive sample times has a different number of columns than the database matrix with archive values.
This can be a result of a misstatement of a different database variable in the archive description or an error in the description of a database variable in the database description.
arrPA_BadSizeLogger 4886 &H1316 Wrong size of the database matrix of the operation log.
Usually occurs if the database matrix of the operation log does not have the number of columns aligned to multiples of 8 or has more than one row.
This may be a misstatement of another database variable in the archive description or an error in the description of a database variable in the database description.
arrPA_BadText 4887 &H1317 Poor binding between formatting rules for the operational log.
Usually occurs if an operational log in the Text key in the [LOGGER] section refers to a non-existent set of formatting rules or if some formatting rule in the Item key in the [TEXT] section refers to a non-existent auxiliary text table.
arrPA_BadArchive 4896 &H1320 Wrong archive identifier.
Usually occurs when calling a method with the identifier of a non-existent archive.
arrPA_BadType 4897 &H1321 A method has been invoked over an archive of this type, for which the method is not intended and does nothing.
arrPA_WriteError 4898 &H1322 The "Accept" method failed to save the information to the working file, but the sample acceptance was confirmed.
Usually occurs when the workfile name in the archive description is incorrect.
This return value is returned even if the workfile name was NONE.
arrPA_NothingAccept 4899 &H1323 The "Accept" method was called even though the archive read no sample.
VBA errors
arrVB_Variant 5120 &H1400 Error when creating VBA variable.
Usually occurs if a variable of another type is set as the output method parameter of the Variant type and it cannot be converted to the desired type.
arrVB_API 5121 &H1401 Internal error when calling API services.
Other errors
arrAT_NotImplemented -256 &HFF00 The function is not implemented.
Empty test connection errors
arrNN_BadStruct -253 &HFF03 Wrong structure of the test empty connection description.
Usually occurs with syntax error in the [NON] section.
arrNN_BadScanf -252 &HFF04 Error on reading the number from the description of a test empty connection.
Usually occurs when the connection description is wrong, where instead of the expected number in one of the keys in the [NON] section there is different text.
arrNN_NoParams -249 &HFF07 A mandatory parameter is missing in the description of the test empty connection.
Usually occurs when the in the [NON] section key is missing.
arrNN_BadStation -240 &HFF10 Wrong station number in one of the Station keys in the [NON] section.
arrNN_CreateEvent -239 &HFF11 Internal event allocation error.
PROMOTIC 9.0.27 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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