
DbGetInfo - method of the AtouchX object

Returns informations regarding the database variable.
The method returns the available informations about the database variable specified by WID and returns it in the created INFO array.
Integer DbGetInfo(Integer WID, Array INFO)
WID(Integer) The WID of the database variable about which the information is detected.
INFO[for read and write] (Array) Variable where the result is saved.
Return value:
Detected information.
INFO(0) Long The WID of the database variable.
INFO(1) String Database variable name.
INFO(2) Integer Number of the station that owns the database variable.
INFO(3) Integer Database variable type.
INFO(4) Integer The number of rows of the database variable. Variables of the simple type have the number of rows equal to 1.
INFO(5) Integer Number of columns of the database variable. Variables of the simple type have the number of columns columns equal to 1.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oATC = pMe.Pm("/AtouchApp").Acx;
var nWID = 1024;
var mInfo = Pm.CreatePmMap();
mInfo.ParValue = Pm.CreatePmArray(1, 6);
var nState = Pm.CallAxMethod("", oATC, "DbGetInfo", nWID, mInfo);
var aInfo = mInfo.ParValue;
Pm.Debug("AtouchX.DbGetInfo return INFO[0]: " + aInfo.GetItem(0));
Pm.Debug("AtouchX.DbGetInfo return INFO[1]: " + aInfo.GetItem(1));
Pm.Debug("AtouchX.DbGetInfo return INFO[2]: " + aInfo.GetItem(2));
PROMOTIC 9.0.27 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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