
NetGetDataMtx - method of the AtouchX object

Reads the entire database variable or a section of the database matrix.
The method reads the content of the whole database variable or a part of the database matrix. The reading is asynchronous, after the reading is finished the EndNetGetData event is triggered, which reports the result of the communication and the read data. The Param value is also passed To the event, which is used by the user to self-identify.
Integer NetGetDataMtx(Long WID, Integer Row, Integer Col, Integer Rows, Integer Cols, Variant Param)
WID(Long) WID of the database variable for reading.
Row(Integer) Index of the initial row of the matrix (zero-based index), from where it is read.
Col(Integer) Index of the initial column of the matrix (zero-based index), from where it is read.
Rows(Integer) The number of rows of the matrix that are read.
Cols(Integer) The number of columns of the matrix that are read.
Param(Variant) The value that is passed unchanged to the end reading event.
Return value:
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var oATC = pMe.Pm("/AtouchApp").Acx;
var nWID = 2005;
var nParam = 100;
var nState = oATC.NetGetDataMtx(nWID, 3, 0, 10, 8, nParam);
PROMOTIC 9.0.27 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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