
StationResetPlug - method of the AtouchX object

Cancels connection status monitoring.
The method will untrack those stations or PCs, that were specified by methods StationSetPlug or StationSetSelfPlug with the same Param parameter.
It means that tracking two stations with the same Param parameter will always be cancelled at once by the StationResetPlug method.
If independent cancellation of connection state monitoring is required, then the Param parameter must be different.

The value 0 (zero) of the Param parameter will cause all stations and PCs to cancel status monitoring.
From the calling of the StationResetPlug method, the StationPlug event for the cancelled stations will stop being triggered.
Integer StationResetPlug(Long Param)
Param(Long) The value of the parameter (previously set in the StationSetPlug or StationSetSelfPlug methods), which will cancel the connection status monitoring.
Return value:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oATC = pMe.Pm("/AtouchApp").Acx;
var nInfo = oATC.StationResetPlug(60);
PROMOTIC 9.0.27 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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