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PmFormat formatting string - configuration window

The window serves for creating the PmFormat formatting string. See PmFormat object formatting string.
This configuration window can be opened:
- on the "PmgNumber > Number" tab
Data type (Type)Data type of the formatted value. See Type:xx;.
Float = real number
Int = integer
Bool = logical value
String = text string
DateTime = date and time
TimeSpan = time span
Format type of time span (FmtType)Format type of time span, see FmtType:nn. This configurator is visible only if the Data type (Type) of formatted value is set to TimeSpan.
0 - user defined format of time span - Format of time span by user-defined formatting string.
10 - system format of time span - Format of time span defined by system formatting string syntax [-][Nd][Nh][Nm][Ns][Nt].
Time span format (Fmt)User-defined format of time span, See Fmt:ss. This configurator is visible only if the Data type (Type) of formatted value is set to TimeSpan and Format type of time span (FmtType) is set to the value 0.
Time format (Fmt)User-defined format of time, See Fmt:ss. This configurator is visible only if the Data type (Type) of the formatted value is set to DateTime.
Number of decimal places (DLen)Specifies the required number of characters to the right of the decimal separator. See DLen:nn.
-1 = unlimited
0 = integer
3 (default)
Decimal separator (DSep)Setting the decimal separator. (Relevant only if DLen != 0) See DSep:nn.
0 = '.' character (period) (default)
1 = ',' character (comma)
Zeroes at the end of the decimal section (DZero)Setting the display of zeros at the end of the decimal part. (Relevant only if DLen != 0) See DZero:nn.
0 = Keep unchanged (default)
1 = Insert ' ' (space) instead of '0' (zero)
2 = Delete zeros or decimal separator
Total number of characters (Len)The total number of characters excluding LTxt and RTxt. For numeric values including Sign, DSep, Group. See Len:nn.
Number of charactersRequested number of characters.
If shorter than Len (IfShort)Specifies the text modification to be performed when the value is shorter than Len. See IfShort:nn.
0 = keep unchanged (default)
1 = add ' ' (space) to the left
2 = add ' ' (space) to the right
7 = add '0' (zero) to the left
If longer than Len (IfLong)Specifies the text modification to be performed when the value is longer than Len. See IfLong:nn.
0 = keep unchanged (default)
1 = crop from the left to the Len length
2 = crop from the right to the Len length
4 = fill with the character specified in IfLongPar to the Len length
5 = replace with the text specified in IfLongPar
IfLong parameter (IfLongPar)Specifies a character or replacement text for the IfLong key. See IfLongPar:ss.
Grouping of numbers (Group)Setting of numbers grouping. See Group:nn.
0 = no grouping (default)
1 = group integer part (thousands)
2 = group the decimal part (thousandths)
3 = group both integer and decimal part (thousands and thousandths)
Group separator (GroupSep)Setting the separator between groups of numbers. See GroupSep:nn.
0 = ' ' character (space) (default)
1 = '.' character (period)
2 = ',' character (comma)
Numeric system (Radix)Displaying the value in another numeric system. See Radix:nn.
2 = binary system
8 = octal system
10 = decadic system (default)
16 = hexadecimal system
Plus sign (Sign)Setting the way the plus sign is displayed. See Sign:nn.
0 = Do not display (default)
1 = Display
2 = Display the ' ' (space) character instead of '+'
Upper/lower case letters (Case)Convert formatted value to upper/lower case letters. See Case:nn.
0 = keep unchanged (default)
1 = change to uppercase letters
2 = change to lowercase letters
Text to the left (LTxt)Text that will be displayed to the left of the formatted value. See LTxt:ss.
Text to the right (RTxt)Text that will be displayed to the right of the formatted value. See RTxt:ss.
Formatting stringPreview of created formatting rule.
ValueThe source numeric or string value to be formatted.
Formatted textThe resulting value that was formatted using the selected formatting string.

Pm9.00.17: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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