Keys common to all types:
Type:xx; - Value type. For example
Float (default) - real number
Int - integer
Bool - logical value (1/0)
String - text string
DateTime - Date and time
TimeSpan - Time span
Len:nn - The total number of characters excluding
LTxt and
for numeric values including
Group. For example
Examples for Float type.
-1 (default) - unlimited, for
Scan find end of a number
n - defined number of characters
IfShort:nn - What to do if the value is shorter than
Len. For example
0 (default) - do nothing
1 - add space character from the left
2 - add space character from the right
7 - only for numeric values: add zeros from the left between the sign and the first digit (for non-numeric values like IfShort:1)
IfLong:nn - What to do if the value is longer than
Len. For example
Examples for Float type.
0 (default) - do nothing, it means keep long
1 - crop from the left to length Len
2 - crop from the right to length Len
4 - fill with the character specified in IfLongPar to the length of Len
5 - replace with text defined in IfLongPar
7 - only for numeric values: scientific format max to IfLongPar (for non-numeric values like IfLong:2)
IfLongPar:ss - Specifies the character(s) to fill in for the
IfLong parameter. For example
ss - Character(s)
for IfLong:4; - the character to fill with (default="", uses the asterisk "*" to fill)
for IfLong:5; - replacement text (default="")
RTxt:ss - Text to the right of the value (for
Scan there must not be
RTxt inside the value). For example
Examples for Float type.
Case:nn - Conversion to upper/lower case characters (characters in
LTxt and
RTxt are not converted). For example
Examples for String type.
0 (default) - keep unchanged
1 - UpperCase - upper case characters
2 - LowerCase - lower case characters
Keys common to all numbers:
Sign:nn - How to to display the plus sign. For example
Examples for Float type.
0 (default) - do not display (display only "-")
1 - display "+" (if zero, then space)
2 - display " " (space)
Group:nn - Grouping groups of numbers into triples. For example
Examples for Float type.
0 (default) - no grouping
1 - group to the left of the decimal separator (thousands)
2 - group to the right of the decimal separator (thousandths)
3 - group to the left and to the right of the decimal separator (thousands and thousandths)
GroupSep:nn - Separator between groups For example
0 (default) - space
1 - dot
2 - comma
DLen:nn - Number of characters to the right of the decimal separator. For example
Examples for Float type.
-1 (default) - unlimited (filling up to the number specified in Len, but if Len=-1 then DLen:3)
n - integer including Group separator (3=default)
DSep:nn - Decimal point type (relevant only if
DLen!=0). For example
0 (default) - period "."
1 - comma ","
DZero:nn - Zeros to the right of the number (relevant only if
DLen!=0). For example
0 (default) - keep the zeroes
1 - replace zeroes by spaces
2 - Optimize (delete zeros and eventually also the decimal separator)