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Object PmfObject

The object is the parent of all objects representing items of the PmForm object. It means that all these objects have own properties and methods, but can also use properties and methods of this object.
Properties and methods:
AddEvent()Registers a function into the specified event
BodyFontFont of the Body area of the Pmf object
BodyHeightIniInitial height of the Body area
BodyHeightModeThe way of changing the Body area height
BodyWidthIniInitial width of the Body area
BodyWidthModeThe way of changing the Body area width
EnabledEnable/disable editing of values
FormReturns PmForm object
IdPmf object identifier
ParentReturns reference to the parent Pmf object
PrivateDataPrivate value of the object
RemoveEvent()Unregisters the function in the specified event
TitleDisplayed name of the Pmf object
TitleFontFont of the Title area of the Pmf object
TitlePosPosition of the Title area of the Pmf object
TypePmf object type
VisibleVisibility of the Pmf object
onFocusIs triggered if the Pmf object gets or loses focus
Objects derived from this object:
PmfBoolBoolean value input item (Checkbox)
PmfEnumSelection of one of multiple items (Combobox)
PmfLayoutArea for other Pmf objects
PmfNumberInteger or real number input
PmfSeparSeparator between configurators
PmfStringText input

Pm8.03.08: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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