EditType | Editing type |
Multiline | Enable/disable displaying the text on more than one line |
Subtype | Text inputbox type |
Value | Pmf object value |
ValueHorzAlign | The way of horizontal text alignment |
AddEvent() | Registers a function into the specified event |
BodyFont | Font of the Body area of the Pmf object |
BodyHeightIni | Initial height of the Body area |
BodyHeightMode | The way of changing the Body area height |
BodyWidthIni | Initial width of the Body area |
BodyWidthMode | The way of changing the Body area width |
Enabled | Enable/disable editing of values |
Form | Returns PmForm object |
Id | Pmf object identifier |
Parent | Returns reference to the parent Pmf object |
PrivateData | Private value of the object |
RemoveEvent() | Unregisters the function in the specified event |
Title | Displayed name of the Pmf object |
TitleFont | Font of the Title area of the Pmf object |
TitlePos | Position of the Title area of the Pmf object |
Type | Pmf object type |
Visible | Visibility of the Pmf object |
onEditAccept | Is triggered after the editing is finished and the edited value is saved |
onFocus | Is triggered if the Pmf object gets or loses focus |
var oStr = oForm.CreateItem("string", "id_str");
oStr.Value = "Test";