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Object PmfTable

This object represents one form item of the type: Table.
Properties and methods of this object:
BgColorThe property returns or sets the background color of the table
DeleteCol()Delete one or more columns
DeleteRow()Delete one or more rows
EditTypeThe property returns or sets cell editing permission in the table
EnsureVisible()Scrolls the table to requested position
GetArea()Returns reference to a certain table area (to the PmfTableArea object)
GetAreaWidth()Returns current area width according to defined arguments
GetColOption()Returns a value for selected table column option
GetColWidth()Returns the table column width
GetRowHeight()Returns the row height in the specified table area
GetSel()Detects selected rows or cells
HorzAlignHorizontal table text alignment
InitCols()Initialization of table columns count
InitRows()Initialization of count of table rows
InsertCol()Insert one or more new columns
InsertRow()Insert one or more new rows
MoveRow()Moves the table row to the specified position
MultilineThe property returns or sets displaying of multirow text in all table cells
SelTypeType of rows or cells selection
SetColOption()Sets the value for the selected table column option.
SetColWidth()Sets columns width of the table
SetRowHeight()Sets the row height in the specified table area
SetSel()Sets or disables the selection of rows or cells in the table
TextColorThe property returns or sets the text color of the table
VertAlignVertical text alignment of the table
Related objects:
PmfTableArea(Table area) The object represents table area
PmfTableColumn(Column of the table area) The object represents the column in the selected table area
PmfTableRow(Table area row) The object represents a row in selected table area
PmfTableCell(Table area cell) The object represents a cell in selected table area
Properties and methods that are common to all objects of the PmfObject type:
AddEvent()Registers a function into the specified event
BodyFontFont of the Body area of the Pmf object
BodyHeightIniInitial height of the Body area
BodyHeightModeThe way of changing the Body area height
BodyWidthIniInitial width of the Body area
BodyWidthModeThe way of changing the Body area width
EnabledEnable/disable editing of values
FormReturns PmForm object
IdPmf object identifier
ParentReturns reference to the parent Pmf object
PrivateDataPrivate value of the object
RemoveEvent()Unregisters the function in the specified event
TitleDisplayed name of the Pmf object
TitleFontFont of the Title area of the Pmf object
TitlePosPosition of the Title area of the Pmf object
TypePmf object type
VisibleVisibility of the Pmf object
onActionIs triggered when an important logical action happens over the object
onEditAcceptIs triggered after the table cell editing is finished
onFocusIs triggered if the Pmf object gets or loses focus
onSelChangeIs triggered when another row or cell is selected
- The object can be created by method PmForm.CreateItem("table", ...).
- This object is functional also in Web panels.

Areas in the table:
The table consists of 6 areas:
11=MainBody = Main data area: The area is always visible.
12=MainHead = Main area header: The area is visible only if number of rows in this area is non-zero.
13=MainFoot = Main area footer: The area is visible only if number of rows in this area is non-zero.
21=LeftBody = Left data area: The area is visible only if number of columns in this are is non-zero.
22=LeftHead = Left area header: The area is visible only if the 21=LeftBody and 12=MainHead areas are visible.
23=LeftFoot = Left area footer: The area is visible only if the 21=LeftBody and 13=MainFoot areas are visible.

In table initialization phase, the number of columns and the number of rows is set by methods InitCols and InitRows.
The number of columns and number of rows can be then modified dynamically by methods InsertCol, DeleteCol, InsertRow, DeleteRow.

Access to corresponding area is available by the GetArea method.
Set the value of the cell in corresponding area: oPmfTable.GetArea(11).GetRow(1).GetCell(2).Value = 3.14

Pm9.00.04: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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