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BodyHeightIni - property of the PmfObject object

Initial height of the Body area of the Pmf object, i.e. the initial height after the form window opens.
The Body area of the Pmf object is the area where the item value is displayed. For example for the PmfString object it is the area for entering number.
Variant BodyHeightIni
real number - The value is in CSS units "em". 1em equals to the current font size.
For example if the document font size is 12pt then 1em equals to 12pt (0.5em = 6pt, 2em = 24pt).
content - The initial height of the Body area is automatically set according to the size of the content (e.g. by text size).
This value can be set only for object: PmfString("Multiline:1;").
Property access for read and write.
It is possible to write into this property only if the PmForm window has not been opened yet.
This property is also functional in Web panels.

The default value is 5em for item: PmfTable, PmfTree, PmfString("Multiline:1;").
Caution: It does not mean that these elements will be 5 rows in size. The size of 1em is less than one row!

This property is not functional for object: PmfNumber, PmfBool, PmfEnum, PmfSepar("Subtype:line;"), PmfString("Multiline:0;").
See also:
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oString = oForm.CreateItem("string", "IdStr1", "Title", "BodyHeightIni:4;");
var nBodyHeightIni = oString.BodyHeightIni;   // Reading from the property
oString.BodyHeightIni = 4;   // Writing into the property

Pm9.00.25: New property value BodyHeightIni: content.
Pm8.03.15: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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