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Inactivate - method of the PmaAlarmGroup object

Alarm item inactivation (inactivation of the PmAlarmItem object).
Empty Inactivate(String sId, [Date tTimeOff])
sId(String) The unigue text identifier of the alarm item. See the "Identifier" configurator.
tTimeOff[optional] (Date) Alarm inactivation time.
If not set, then the computer current time is used.
Calling Inactivate method over the inactive alarm has no effect. An active alarm is deactivated. The behavior of the alarm during the inactivation is specified in the "Inactivate type" configurator.
If there are several instances of the alarm item with the same identifier (caused by states of alarm items inactive unacknowledged [blue]), then the last, the latest old alarm item is deactivated.
After the attempt to inactivate non-existing alarm item (wrong sId parameter), an error occurs in the INFO system only if in the corresponding PmaAlarmGroup object there is no alarm item with the checked configurator "Template for dynamically created items" (it means that all alarm items of the PmaAlarmGroup object are statically configured).
The method is synchronous, it means that it is processed immediately by the alarm subsystem. Nevertheless writing the history to disk is asynchronous, it means that this method passes the request for writing into the history of alarms subsystem, it is placed into the queue of requests and it is processed later by the alarm subsystem.
See also:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oAl = pMe.Pm("/Alarm");
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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