AlSound | Enable/disable sound notification of alarms |
AppFullName | Path to the application with the application name |
AppName | The PROMOTIC application name |
AppPriority | Application priority |
AppStop() | Termination of the application |
AxGetObject() | Creates a reference to ActiveX object |
Beep() | Replay of the Windows OS system sound |
CallAxMethod() | Calling ActiveX object methods in the JavaScript language |
ClockStart() | Starting the time clock |
ClockStop() | Stopping the time clock |
ColorOper() | Various operations with defined color |
ColorRgb() | Returns the color by entering the three RGB components |
ControlSound() | Controls of the sound server of the PROMOTIC system |
CreatePmAction() | Creates object of the PmAction type |
CreatePmArray() | Creates object of the PmArray type |
Array1() | Creates and fills 1-dimensional array with values |
CreatePmBuffer() | Creates object of the PmBuffer type |
CreatePmExpr() | Creates object of the PmExpr type |
CreatePmForm() | Creates object of the PmForm type (obsolete) |
CreatePmFormat() | Creates object of the PmFormat type |
CreatePmMap() | Creates object of the PmMap type |
CreateProcess() | Launching the program (*.exe, *.com, *.bat) without waiting for the termination |
CreateProcessSync() | Launching the program (*.exe, *.com, *.bat) with waiting for the termination |
DdeExecute() | Sending the command to the DDE server |
EvalMacro() | Evaluation of the macro expression |
FindViewers() | Returns the list of object viewers according to selected criteria |
GenerateId() | Returns a unique numeric identifier |
GetActiveWorkspace() | Returns active PmaWorkspace object |
GetRtLangs() | Returns the list of all national languages supported in the application |
GetSystemInfo() | Returns the system information |
HttpFormDataParse() | Parsing data from uploaded files |
HTTPGetFormValue() | Decoding the text string delivered from the Web browser |
JsonParse() | Transforms JSON format text into the object, array or elementary value |
JsonStringify() | From object, array or elementary value creates text in the JSON format |
LicenceInfo() | Information about licences of the PROMOTIC application |
Methods | Access to global methods of the application |
NetGetAddress() | Returns the computer local address in the network |
NetTestPC() | Test whether the asked computer is accessible in the network |
PlaySound() | Playing the sound *.wav file |
RestartGui() | Executes restart of the application graphic interface |
RtLang | The language version of the runtime application |
ShellExecute() | Launching or printing the file or the registered document |
ShutDown() | Shutdown of the Windows OS |
WDogRefresh() | Refresh of the WatchDog program counter |
WinEnviromentRead() | Reading of environment variable |
WinEnviromentWrite() | Writing into the environment variable |
WndOper() | Operation execution over the opened window of another application |
AddUser() | Adds new PROMOTIC user |
FindUserIdLocal() | Returns the identifier of the local user that corresponds to the entered login parameters |
FindUserIdNet() | Returns the identifier of the network user that corresponds to the entered login parameters |
GetUserInfo() | Returns information from the user system |
LoggedUser | Returns the PmUser object, that represents the logged user |
Logoff() | Logging off the logged local user without the query |
Logon() | Login of the local user without the input window |
RemoveUser() | Deletes existing PROMOTIC user |
TestUserInGroup() | Test whether the user is or isn't a member of the user group |
WndEditUserPassword() | Displays the box for editing the password |
WndEditUsers() | Displays the window for editing the PROMOTIC users |
WndLogoff() | Displays the Logging off the user window |
WndLogon() | Displays the Logging on the user window |
Debug() | Text dump into the Debug item of the INFO system |
InfoAction() | Calling the action over the item in the INFO system |
InfoErrorAdd() | Writing application error into the "/Errors/Application" tab in the INFO system |
InfoErrorClear() | Delete the errors of defined type in the INFO system |
InfoLogReg() | Creates new user tab in the Debug item of the INFO system |
InfoLogAdd() | Writing text into the user tab in the Debug item of the INFO system |
InfoWriteToFile() | Write the content of the INFO system tab into the text file |
InfoWriteToString() | Returns the content of the tab of the INFO system in the form of a string |
CreateView() | Object for viewer opening |
InputBox() | Entering the value by the user |
InputBoxForDateTime() | Window for entering date and time |
InputBoxForFilePath() | Window for file/folder selection (obsolete) |
MessageBox() | Displays the message in the window and waits for the user's click |
PrintHtmlPage() | Print or display the preview of the HTML page or text |
PrintScreen() | Print the whole screen to a printer or into the file |
PrinterCfg() | Displaying the printer selection and setup window |
SelectionDialog() | It allows to select the one option from the list in the input window (obsolete) |
ShowHelp() | Displays of help topic |
DecryptText() | Text decryption |
EncryptText() | Text encryption |
StringCmp() | Returns a result of a comparison of the two strings |
StringCodeAt() | Returns the code of Unicode character on the definde position in the string |
StringCodeFrom() | Returns the character associated with the specified Unicode code |
StringFind() | Searches the text for requested string from the defined position |
StringJoin() | Returns a string created by merging the substrings contained in 1-dimensional array |
StringLen() | Returns the number of characters in the string |
StringOper() | String operations |
StringReplace() | Replacement of the keyword in the string by the value |
StringSplit() | Returns a 1-dimensional array of substrings |
StringSub() | Returns the substring of another string |
CreateDate() | Creates date and time from its individual components |
CreateTimeSpan() | Creates time span from defined part |
CreatePmDateObject() | Creates the auxiliary PmDateObject object for working with date and time |
DateAdd() | Returns a date to which a specified time span has been added |
DateDiff() | Returns the number of time-spans between two dates |
GetDateOf() | Returns dates from defined base date |
IsDaylight() | Test of the "daylight-saving time" |
Time | System time |
Abs() | Absolute value of a number |
ArrayOper() | Array operations |
Atan() | Returns the arctangent (invertetd tangent) of a number |
Ceil() | Returns the smallest integer greater or equal to a given number |
Cos() | Returns the cosine of an angle |
E | The Euler's number (the base of natural logarithms) |
Exp() | Returns the value of "e raised to the power of y" |
Floor() | Returns the largest integer less then or equal to a given number |
GetBit() | Returns a value of the variable bit |
GetVarType() | Returns the data type of the value |
IsInt() | Test whether the value is integer |
IsValid() | Test the validity of the value |
Linear() | Obtains the value of the linear function |
LN10 | The natural logarithm of 10 |
LN2 | The natural logarithm of 2 |
LOG10E | The base-10 logarithm of e |
LOG2E | The base-2 logarithm of e |
LogN() | Returns logarithm of a number |
PI | Pi number |
Pow() | Computes the value of "x raised to the power of y" |
Random() | Returns a random number in defined range |
Round() | Returns number rounded to a specified number of decimal places or whole places |
SetBit() | Changing a bit of the variable |
Sign() | Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number |
Sin() | Returns the sine of an angle |
Sqrt() | The square root of a number |
SQRT2 | The square root of 2 |
Tan() | Returns the tangent of an angle |
ToNumber() | Conversion to numeric value |
TransformValue() | Transformation of the value |
Trunc() | Returns the integer part of a number (removes any fractional digits) |
DirCreate() | Creates the folder for files |
DirExist() | Test the existence of file folder |
DirRemove() | Deletes the file folder |
DiscGetFreeSpace() | Returns the free space on the disk |
DiscGetPath() | Returns the requested path (eventually also file name) in Microsoft format |
DiscGetTotalSpace() | Returns the disk capacity |
FileCopy() | Copy of the file |
FileCsvRead() | Reading from the CSV file |
FileCsvWrite() | Writing into the CSV file |
FileDelete() | Deletes the file |
FileFind() | Search for files and folders in the specified path |
FileGetAttr() | Returns the file attributes |
FileGetCreationTime() | Returns the creation time of the file |
FileGetLastAccessTime() | Returns the last access time to the file |
FileGetLastWriteTime() | Returns the last write time into the file |
FileGetLength() | Returns the size of the file (in bytes) |
FileMove() | Move (rename) of the file (folder) |
FileSetAttr() | Sets the file attributes |
FileTextRead() | Reading of a text file |
FileTextReplace() | Replacement of text in the text file |
FileTextWrite() | Saving the value (or array of values) into the text file |
IniFileRead() | Reading the item from the *.ini file |
IniFileWrite() | Writing the item into the *.ini file |
FormatDate() | Creates a text string containing date and time |
ScanDate() | Obtains date and time from text value |
StringFormat() | Writing an array of values into a text string |
StringScan() | Reading the data from the string |
AppQuit() | Termination of the application |
Blinker | Blinking with the panel windows refresh period |
CDbl() | Returns an expression converted to the value of the Double type |
CSng() | Returns an expression converted to the value of the Single type |
CreatePmList() | Creates object of the PmList type |
CpuUsage | Computer CPU usage |
FileBinaryRead() | Reading the content of the binary file into the variable of the Array type |
FileBinaryWrite() | Saving the content of the variable of the Array type into the binary file |
FileReadVariable() | Reading the value of the variable from the file |
FileWriteVariable() | Saving the value of the variable into the file |
InputBoxForStringSelection() | It allows to select the string from the list in the input window (obsolete) |
MemoryUsage | Computer memory usage |
OtherAppOper() | Operation execution over the opened window of another application |
RtLanguage | The language version of the runtime application (obsolete) |
WndHtmlPage() | Displays the HTML pages in modal/non-modal window |
WndInfo() | Window of the INFO system |