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InputBoxForStringSelection - method of the Pm object

It allows to select the string from the list in the input window (or more substrings if the &H200 style is set).
This method is obsolete (but functional) and it is better to use the Pm.CreateView method - see Opening the viewer for option selection (/#glob/list).
Boolean InputBoxForStringSelection(String sDlgTitle, Long nStyle, Variant vValue, Variant vStrings)
sDlgTitle(String) Title of the input window
nStyle(Long) Bit flags defining window type and content.
Hexadecimal numbers can be entered by adding a prefix: for JavaScript it is 0x and for VBScript it is &H. For example, 0x10 or &H10 in hexadecimal represents 16 in decimal.
It is possible to enter the following styles or their combinations as a sum:
&H100 - String are sorted out in the list
&H200 - Multiple strings from the list can be selected
&H20000 - Return the selected value as the index from the list
&H10000000 - Window will be displayed on up of all windows
vValue[for read and write] (Variant)
Before calling: the default value for selection from the list (number or text string).
After calling: the selected value
vStrings(Variant) String array making the list. See the example.
Return value:
true - If the window has been closed by the "OK" button.
false - If the window has been closed by the "Cancel" button.
This method is not functional in Web panels.
Selection of one string from the list:
VBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

Dim Value, Strings
Value = "second"
Strings = Pm.Array1("first", "second", "third")
If Pm.InputBoxForStringSelection("Select string", 0, Value, Strings) Then
' ... The text string selected OK
Pm.Debug Value
End If
Selection of multiple strings from the list, in addition values returned as indexes into the list
VBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

Dim iVal, Value, Strings
Value = Pm.Array1("second", "third")
Strings = Pm.Array1("first", "second", "third")
If Pm.InputBoxForStringSelection("Select string", &H200 + &H20000, Value, Strings) Then
' ... The text string selected OK
For iVal = 0 To UBound(Value) + 1 - 1
Pm.Debug Value(iVal)
End If
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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