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Methods - property of the Pm object

Returns object, that is used for accessing the application global methods defined on the "Methods" tab of the PmaRoot object.
Object Methods
Property access for read only.
The property itself cannot be changed (is "read only"), but the called method can change anything by its algorithm.

This property is also functional in Web panels. Calling the global methods by this property can also be used in events of Pmg objects, that are designed for Web panels. Calling the global methods via the Web is protected by "WebMethods" permission.

Since version Pm8.0.0 the global methods cannot be called directly only by method name. This old way of method calling can be explicitly enabled, see #pragma option OldGlobalMethodCall script directive. The direct method calling technique is less general (e.g. is not functional for Web panels) and therefore is not recommended.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

Pm.Methods.MyMethod(par1, par2, "...");
See: example in the description of the "Methods" tab.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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