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WndEditUsers - method of the Pm object

Displays the window for editing the PROMOTIC users.
Empty WndEditUsers([String sParams])
sParams[optional] (String) Additional parameters that define the display mode of the window. Entries are in the KeyVal format, for example "users:L_TOM,L_ALAN;groups:^$ADMIN;add:$ANY;delete:$ANY;edit:$ANY;".
"users:sss;" (optional) - A list of users (user identificators) separated by comma. It is used for specifying the users, that will be displayed in the input window.
If not set, then all users will be displayed.
users:user1,user2,...,userN; - If the list begins with a user, then it is a list of all users, that will be displayed in the window.
users:^user1,user2,...,userN; - If the list begins with the '^' character, then it is a list of all users, that will not be displayed in the window.
"groups:sss;" (optional) - A list of user groups (user identificators) separated by comma.
It is used for specifying the user groups, that will be displayed in the input window.
If not set, then all user groups will be displayed.
groups:group1,group2,...,groupN; - If the list begins with a user group, then it is a list of all groups, that will be displayed in the window.
groups:^group1,group2,...,groupN; - If the list begins with the '^' character, then it is a list of all groups, that will not be displayed in the window.
"add:sss;" (optional) - It allows to enable/disable adding of new local/network users.
add:$ANY; - (default) Adding local and network users is allowed.
add:$ANY_LOCAL; - Adding local users is allowed.
add:$ANY_NET; - Adding network users is allowed.
add:; - No users can be added.
"edit:sss;" (optional) - It allows to enable/disable editing of the existing local/network users.
edit:$ANY; - (default) Local and network users can be edited.
edit:; - No users can be edited.
"delete:sss;" (optional) - It allows to enable/disable deleting of the existing local/network users (default $ANY).
delete:$ANY; - Local and network users can be deleted.
delete:; - No users can be deleted.
Before the display itself of this users edit window, it is verified if the current logged-in local user has sufficient rights for editing the users. The authorization is made by evaluating the "PmaRoot > Permissions > EditUsers" permission.
The window is a modal window with the "Users" tab.
The running application doesn't write changes in the Application.pra file that's why the data of users created in the running application are stored in the Application.ini file.

This method is not functional in Web panels. This method is functional for local panels with setting integration of the panel and local application: client - LIMITED access from scripts to the PmaPanel object and Pm object (JavaScript local panel).
Displays the PROMOTIC user editation window with L_ADMIN and L_MANAGER users supressed. When assigning the users into groups supress the $ADMIN group.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

Displays the PROMOTIC user editation window with ADD and DELETE user options supressed. Editing the existing users is alloved.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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