Use user groups from the INI file in in runtime | If checked, then the users from the INI file will be used in runtime. |
File with users (INI) | The file of the INI type where the users are stored as encrypted text in the [Users] section. The users can be modified also in the running application by the Pm.WndEditUsers method.
The default value is: #cfg:users.ini. It is recommended to use the PROMOTIC path syntax - see PROMOTIC path to files or folders. Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched). |
Login the local user automatically after start | The local user to be logged in automatically by the system after the application is launched. This automated login will be performed without the need to enter the password. If no user is to be logged in automatically after the application is launched, then the substitute local user $NOUSER_LOCAL (default) is set, that represents a local user that is not logged in. |
Enable Windows authentication (Windows users) | If checked, then also the Windows local and network users can be used in runtime. It is necessary to enter the domain name and add the corresponding Windows groups into user groups. In order to use the Windows user authentication directly in the Web browser, the NTLM authentication must be selected in the "Extended configuration" configurator. |
Name or address of the computer (domain) for Windows user authentication | The name and password of local or network Windows user is verified by Windows resources on selected computer. If the name and password combination is verified as Windows user of such computer then the user is logged in (authentized) and assigned automatically generated user identifier. Then a list of Windows local and global user groups where the Windows user is a member is detected. Based on the list of Windows of user groups a corresponding list of user groups is set for such user. The created logged-in Windows user does not differ from the PROMOTIC logged-in user.
Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched). |
Groups of users: | |
Add | Creates a new user group. |
Edit | Edit of selected user group. |
Delete | Delete of selected user group. |
PROMOTIC users: | |
Add | Creates a new PROMOTIC user (local and/or network). |
Edit | Edit of selected PROMOTIC user. |
Delete | Delete of selected PROMOTIC user. |