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Methods - tab of the PmgObject object

Designer methods of the Pmg object are defined on this tab.
This tab with its configurators is common for all Pmg objects except for: PmgInstance.
NewOpens the "Method" configuration window, where new method can be added.
DeleteDeletes the marked method
EditOpens the "Method" configuration window, where the marked method can be edited.
Further methods can be added into the object on this tab. Correct usage of these methods very simplifies and makes the application more readable.

Any number of methods can be defined on this tab. A definition of just one method can be found on each line of the list (that is on the left up). These methods can be then called by means of the PmgObject.Methods property.
Method parameters:
pMe(Object) Reference to the Pma object, where the method is defined.
pResult[for write only] (Variant) Output parameter that is used for method output value.
Available only for methods written in the VBScript language. For JavaScript languagethe return value is set in return statement.
Parameters defined by designer(Variant) It is used as passed parameters when calling the method. These parameters are defined in the "Parameters" configurator.

Pm8.03.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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