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IniX - property of the PmgObject object

Initial X-position of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior object.
Long IniX
Property access for read only. The value of this property is defined in the "X" configurator of this object.
The initial position means the position/size of the object as it was drawn in the graphics editor. This is a static value in configurators regardless on the possible data binding (not the first evaluation of the data binding).
X=0, Y=0 represents the left upper corner of the parent Pmg object.

This property is also functional in Web panels.
See also:
- PmgObject.IniY (property)
- PmgObject.IniDx (property)
- PmgObject.X (property)
- PmgObject.ScreenX (property)
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var nIniX = oObject.IniX;

Pm8.03.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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