pMe | (Object) Reference to the PmgObject object where the event rises. |
pEvent | (Object) Reference to an object describing detailed information about the specific event.
pEvent.NewValue - (Long) [for reading] New value with Pmg object state. The states of observed attributes are stored as individual bits. The value with set bit is stored in hexadecimal (JavaScript).
0x0002 (bit 1) - The bit indicates that some parent of the Pmg object is not visible.
0x0020 (bit 5) - The bit indicates that some parent of the Pmg object is disabled.
0x0100 (bit 8) - The bit indicates that the Pmg object has the focus (for keyboard control). See Focus property.
0x1000 (bit 12) - The bit indicates that the mouse cursor is hovering over the Pmg object. See MouseOn property.
0x2000 (bit 13) - The bit indicates that the mouse cursor is hovering over some embedded Pmg object. |
pMe.ColorItem = (pEvent.NewValue & 0x30) ? "#808080" : "#c0c0c0";