Data extension identifier | System text. Must not contain diacritics, spaces and special characters.
It is used for unambiguous identification of data extension in data item (e.g. in the Extension method). The default value is "ev". |
Target object (PmaEventGroup) | Path to the target object of appropriate type, in which the data variable must be registered.
The object can be selected also by the button on the right. Macro expression can be used for input, the result must be a NON-LOCALIZED path to the Pma object (it is evaluated after the application is launched). |
Event template | The unigue text identifier of the alarm of Template type (see the "Template for dynamically created items" configurator), whose configuration is used. |
Automatically generated event identifier | If checked, then the alarm identifier will be created automatically by the system (_autoN). |
Event identifier | Manually entered alarm identifier.
This configurator sets the initial value of the PmAlarmItem.Id property. Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched). Caution: Macro expression $vb cannot be used for input. |
Event source (source) | The text specifies the logical placement of the alarm in the technology.
It has the same meaning as the "Source" configurator for standalone configured alarms/events. Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched). Caution: Macro expression $vb cannot be used for input. |
Event description defined here (otherwise from template) | If checked, then the event description is entered in the following configurator. Otherwise the template event description is used. |
Event description (desc) |
Macro expression can be used for input ($.text ..) (it is evaluated when calling a method). Caution: Macro expression $vb cannot be used for input. |
Value type | Method for obtaining value for evaluation (testing): |
Specifies the bit number for testing | If set "3 - JavaScript expression", then serves for specifying the particular bit index. The particular bit is identified by the order, so the lowest bit is numbered 0. |
JavaScript expression | If set "3 - JavaScript expression", then it serves for specifying of the JavaScript expression itself. The JavaScript expression can have two parameters:
pVal: The value of the PmVar.Value property for simple usage in the expression.
pDE: Reference to data extension object (for obtaining other values from data extension or from the variable).
pVar: Reference to the PmVar object of data extension. |
Activate the event if | Specifies when is the event activated.
On each writing - The event will be activated with each writing into the variable (whole value or defined bit).
On each modification - The event will be activated if on writing into the variable (whole value or defined bit) the value is changed.