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Items - tab of the PmaAlarmGroup object

It allows to create the static list of accessible alarm items (of PmAlarmItem objects) in the group. These alarm items are created in the running application already at application launch, only their state is changed (in case of alarms).
List of alarm itemsThe configurator of the list itself of the static alarm items. The alarm item itself is configured on the "Alarm item" tab.
NewButton opens the "Alarm item" configuration window where new alarm item can be defined.
EditButton opens the "Alarm item" configuration window where the marked alarm item can be edited.
DeleteButton deletes the marked alarm item.
UpThese buttons allow to change the order of alarm items. After pressing the Up/Down button the marked item will be moved upward/downword in the list. The same effect can be achieved by pressing the key combination Alt+up key/down key.
DownThese buttons allow to change the order of alarm items. After pressing the Up/Down button the marked item will be moved upward/downword in the list. The same effect can be achieved by pressing the key combination Alt+up key/down key.
ExportIt is possible to export the data of this tab.
ImportIt is possible to load (import) the data into this tab.
ExtensionsOpens the "List of data extensions" configuration window, displaying a list of all found data extensions (defined anywhere in the application), designed for this specific target object (see the "Target object" configurator in the corresponding data extension).
The script access to the item on this tab is enabled by the Item method.

Pm9.00.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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