TimeZoomMinForCompress - property of the PmgTrendViewer object
Minimum range (length) for setting the range of the time axis of the viewer for displaying calculated values.
Variant TimeZoomMinForCompress
numeric value - The length of the time axis is set as a real number that means
the number of days (e.g.
0.5 means a half day).
The -1 value means that the calculation is not done, the trend server always returns all points, but
PointsMaxVisibleCount as the maximum.
string value - The time span can be set in text form.
In this case it is represented by a real number followed by the time unit identifier (sec,min,hour,day).
Example: "1.5sec", "1min30sec".
Property access
for read and write.
The default value of this property is defined in the "
Recalculate for range greater than (including)" configurator of this object.
This property is also functional in
Web panels.
The property is used only if the
graphic mode is set.
When reading from the property, the numeric value is always returned.
Initial value is set to
If the current range of the time axis (
TimeMax -
TimeMin) exceeds the value
TimeZoomMinForCompress and the number of points stored by the trend server (by the
PmaTrendGroup object) exceeds the value
PointsMaxVisibleCount in this range, then
the trend server provides the evaluation of values, and only the
PointsMaxVisibleCount points are returned to the viewer calculated according to
CompressType. The trend server creates the data in the response to the query as follows: The range of the time axis is divided into the same time interval with the length
(TimeMax - TimeMin) / PointsMaxVisibleCount and in each such interval a new point is calculated by the
CompressType method and the set of such calculated points is returned to the viewer.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oTView = pMe.Items("../TrendView");
oTView.TimeZoomMinForCompress = 1/24;
Dim oTView
Set oTView = pMe.Items("../TrendView")
oTView.TimeZoomMinForCompress = 1/24
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
oTView.TimeZoomMinForCompress = "1.5hour";
oTView.TimeZoomMinForCompress = "1.5hour"
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
oTView.TimeZoomMinForCompress = "1hour30min";
oTView.TimeZoomMinForCompress = "1hour30min"