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ValueZoomMode - property of the PmgTrendViewer object

Value axis range setup method.
The range is always defined by the trend properties ValueMin and ValueMax. In some modes the values of ValueMin or ValueMax properties are modified automatically based on the values of points currently being displayed.
Long ValueZoomMode
1 (default) - The properties ValueMin and ValueMax are not set automatically. It means that:
- The ValueMin property will be set according to the "tvTrend > Basic settings > Minimum" configurator.
- The ValueMax property will be set according to the "tvTrend > Basic settings > Maximum" configurator.
2 - The ValueMin property is set automatically as minimum of values of displayed points of this trend. The ValueMax property is not set automatically.
3 - The ValueMin property is not set automatically. The ValueMax property is set automatically as maximum of values of displayed points of this trend.
4 - Both properties ValueMin and ValueMax are set automatically as minimum/maximum of values of displayed points of this trend.
5 - The ValueMin property is set automatically as minimum of values of displayed points of all trends (ValueMin is the same for all trends). The ValueMax property is not set automatically.
6 - The ValueMin property is not set automatically. The ValueMax property is set automatically as maximum of values of displayed points of all trends (ValueMax is the same for all trends).
7 - Both properties ValueMin and ValueMax are set automatically as minimum/maximum of values of displayed points of all trends (ValueMin and ValueMax are the same for all trends).
Property access for read and write. The default value of this property is defined in the "Value axis range" configurator of this object.
This property is also functional in Web panels.
The property is used only if the graphic mode is set.
In order to make the modification visible on writing, it is necessary to call the Draw method.

Reading from ValueMin or ValueMax gets currently valid values (automatically calculated or entered).

The Range of displayed value scale is always determined by the value axis (by current values of properties ValueMin and ValueMax) of the active trend (see the PmgTrendViewer.TrendActive property).
See also:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oTView = pMe.Items("../TrendView");

var nValueZoomMode = oTView.ValueZoomMode;   // Reading from the property
oTView.ValueZoomMode = 4;   // Writing into the property
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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