Color | Color of the graph line |
FillColor | Color of the graph filling |
FillColor2 | Color of graph filling |
FillType | Filling type of the trend graph area |
GetValidityFce() | Returns text - validity function of the tvGraph object |
ID | Identifier of this object |
LineType | Type of the line connecting graph points |
PointsColor | Color of the trend data point mark |
PointsSize | The size of the trend data point mark (in pixels) |
PointsType | Draw type of trend data points mark |
PointsVisible | Visibility of trend data points mark |
SetValidityFce() | Sets text as validity function for the tvGraph object |
TableAlign | Align type of column values in the table mode |
TableBgColor | Background color of column values in the table mode |
TableFont | Font of column values in the table mode |
TableFormat | Format of column values in the table mode |
TableFormatType | Type of setting format of values in the table mode |
TableTextColor | Text color in the column in the table mode |
Type | View type of trend |
ValuesVisible | Visibility of trend data point values |
Visible | Visibility of trend area |
Width | Line (bar, ...) width of the graph (in pixels) |