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ScrollValue - method of the PmgTrendViewer object

Scroll of the viewer on the value axis (Y) in the defined way.
Empty ScrollValue(Variant vTrend, Long nType, Long vPar1)
vTrend(Variant) Specifies which trend to scroll
-4 - Only the active trend, see the TrendActive property.
-3, "" - All trends
"id" - Trend with id identifier, see the tvTrend.ID property.
nType(Long) The size and direction of the scroll
0, 1 - Scroll down (to lower values), up (to higher values) by the interval set in the vPar1 parameter.
10, 11 - Scroll down, up by the distance multiple minor ticks of the value scale tvScale.MinorTicksNum. In the vPar1 parameter, for example, the multiple equals 2.0.
20, 21 - Scroll down, up by the distance multiple main ticks of the value scale, see the tvTicks object. In the vPar1 parameter, for example, the multiple equals 2.0.
30, 31 - Scroll down, up by the multiple of the page length. In the vPar1 parameter, for example, the multiple equals 1.0.
35 - Scroll down, up by the multiple of the page length. In the vPar1 parameter, for example, the multiple equals -1.0 and the sign specifies the scroll direction (down, up).
40, 41, 42 - Scroll by the down, up edge, center of the viewer to the value specified in the vPar1 parameter
vPar1(Long) Interval, value or the multiple value in dependance on the nType setting
This method is also functional in Web panels.
The method is used only if the graphic mode is set.
See also:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oTView = pMe.Items("../TrendView");
oTView.ScrollValue(-3, 10, 2);
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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