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Object PmfTableRow (Table area row)

The object represents a row in selected table area.
Properties and methods:
BgColorThe property returns or sets the background color of the selected row in table area
EditTypeThe property returns or sets cell editing permission in the selected table row
FontFont of the table row
GetArray()Returns 1-dimensional array (PmArray) of values of all cells of the table row
GetCell()Returns reference to the PmfTableCell object of the selected row
HorzAlignHorizontal text alignment of the selected row in table area
MultilineThe property returns or sets displaying of multirow text in all cells of the table row
PrivateDataPrivate value of the table row
SetArray()Assigns an array of values to the cells of the table row
TextColorThe property returns or sets the text color of the selected row in table area
VertAlignVertical text alignment of the selected row in table area
Related objects:
PmfTableCell(Table area cell) The object represents a cell in selected table area
The object can be obtained by calling the PmfTableArea.GetRow method.
See also:
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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