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MoveRow - method of the PmfTable object

Moves the table row to the specified position.
Long MoveRow(Long nArea, Variant vSrcRow, Variant vDstRow)
nArea(Long) Detecting the area of the table (see Areas in the table).
For now, only the value 1 = data area of the table (Body) can be entered. Moving a row in the header (Head) or footer (Foot) of the table is not yet possible.
vSrcRow(Variant) The starting position (source).
Specifies the position of the row to be moved.
For now, it is always a row index (zero-based index).
vDstRow(Variant) The target position (destination).
Specifies the position to which the row will be moved.
For now, it is always a row index (zero-based index).
Return value:
-1 - An error occurred while moving, the row was not moved (e.g. wrong source or destination position was entered).
0 - There was no error while moving, but the row was not moved (e.g. the same source and destination position was specified).
1 - The row has been moved to the specified position.
This method is also functional in Web panels.
See also:
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

oTable.MoveRow(1, 2, 8);   // Moves the row from position 2 to position 8
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oSel = oTable.GetSel(0);
if (Pm.IsValid(oSel))
var iSelRow = oSel.Row;
oTable.MoveRow(1, iSelRow, iSelRow+1);   // Moves the selected row one position down

Pm9.00.25: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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