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onSelChange - event of the PmfTable object

The event is triggered when another row or cell is selected.
ev.SrcObject(Object) Pmf object where the event originated.
This event is is functional only in JavaScript language.
The event is triggered only if a change of the selection in the table s made by the mouse or keyboard.
This event is not triggered if the selection change in the table occurs due to calling the methods SetSel, DeleteRow, InsertRow, MoveRow, etc.
Creates the PmfTable object (e.g. in the onFormLoad event of the PmgForm object).
The function is registered into the onSelChange event.
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function onTableSelChange(ev)
Pm.Debug("PmfTable.onSelChange Row=" + oTable.GetSel(0).Row);

var oForm = pMe.Form;
var oTable = oForm.CreateItem("table", "id_tab1");
oTable.InitRows(5, 1, 1);
oTable.InitCols(6, 1);
// ... Various table settings

oTable.AddEvent("onSelChange", "tabchange", onTableSelChange);
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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