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onEditAccept - event of the PmfTable object

The event is triggered after the table cell editing is finished.
ev(Object) Reference to an object that describes information about the event
ev.SrcObject(Object) Pmf object where the event originated.
ev.OldValue(String) Original value of the table cell.
ev.Area(Long) Numeric identifier of the table area. See Areas in the table.
ev.Row(Long) Index of the table row.
ev.Col(Long) Index of the table column.
This event is is functional only in JavaScript language.
The event is triggered only if the table cell editing is confirmed by pressing the Enter key or by clicking outside the cell area.
This event is not triggered if cell editing is cancelled by pressing the Esc key
Creates the PmfTable object (e.g. in the onFormLoad event of the PmgForm object).
The function is registered into the onEditAccept event.
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

function onPmfTableEditAccept(ev)
Pm.Debug("PmfTable.onEditAccept OldValue=" + ev.OldValue + ", Col=" + ev.Col + ", Row=" + ev.Row);

var oForm = pMe.Form;
var oTable = oForm.CreateItem("table", "id_tab1");
oTable.InitRows(5, 1, 1);
oTable.InitCols(6, 1);
// ... Various table settings

oTable.AddEvent("onEditAccept", "EditAccept", onPmfTableEditAccept);

Pm9.00.27: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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