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GetColWidth - method of the PmfTable object

Returns the table column width.
Double GetColWidth(Long nColArea, Long iCol, Long Type, String Unit)
nColArea(Long) Detecting the area of the table (see Areas in the table).
1 - Main area of the table
2 - Left area of the table
iCol(Long) Column number
Type(Long) Requested width type:
0 - Current column width
1 - The widest text of all rows
Unit(String) The unit in which the column width will be returned.
em - The value is in CSS units "em". 1em equals to the current font size.
For example if the document font size is 12pt then 1em equals to 12pt (0.5em = 6pt, 2em = 24pt).
px - Width in pixels
Return value:
Returns the column width (in units defined by the Unit parameter).
If incorrect parameters are entered, global error of the INFO system occurs and the method will return 0.
This method is also functional in Web panels.
See also:
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var nColWidth = oTable.GetColWidth(1, 5, 1, "px");

Pm9.00.07: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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