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SetSel - method of the PmfTable object

Sets or disables the selection of rows or cells in the table.
Empty SetSel(Long nType, Variant vPar)
nType(Long) Type of row or cell selection settings in the table.
0 - Selects rows or cells in the table according to the current value of the SelType property.
- If SelType == "row" then one table row is selected and the index of this row is specified in the vPar parameter.
- If SelType == "cell" then one table cell is selected and in the vPar parameter specifies the row, column and area index of the table specifying the cell to be selected.
-1 - Deselects rows or cells in the table.
vPar(Variant) The value entered here depends on setting the nType parameter and the value of the SelType property.
- If nType == 0 then:
- If SelType == "row" then the row index in the 11=MainBody area is specified here.
- If SelType == "cell" then a PmMap object is entered here.
In the Area, Row and Col properties of this object, the index of the area, row and column of the table specifying the cell to be selected is specified.
- If nType == -1 then by entering the null value, it will deselect all rows or cells of the table.
This method is also functional in Web panels.
See also:
- PmfTable.GetSel (method)
- PmfTable.SelType (property)
Sets the row selection in the mode SelType == "row".
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

oTable.SetSel(0, 5);
Sets the cell selection in the mode SelType == "cell".
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var mMap = Pm.CreatePmMap();
mMap.Area = 11;
mMap.Row = 5;
mMap.Col = 2;
oTable.SetSel(0, mMap);
Deselects the cell or row.
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

oTable.SetSel(-1, null);

Pm9.00.04: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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