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onFixedCellClicked - event of the PmgWTable object

The event is triggered after pressing the left mouse button on fixed cell.
pMe(Object) Reference to the PmgWTable object where the event rises.
pEvent(Object) Reference to an object describing detailed information about the specific event.
pEvent.Row - (Long) [for reading] Row of clicked cell (zero-based index, counted including the fixed part).
pEvent.Col - (Long) [for reading] Column of clicked cell (zero-based index, counted including the fixed part).
pEvent.Ctrl - (Boolean) [for reading] Indication of concurrent pressing the Ctrl key.
pEvent.Shift - (Boolean) [for reading] Indication of concurrent pressing the Shift key.
pEvent.Alt - (Boolean) [for reading] Indication of concurrent pressing the Alt key.
The event is triggered only if Interaction property is set to 1, 2 or 3.

This event is also functional in Web panels.
See also:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var nRow = pEvent.Row;
var sColor = pMe.GetCellBackColor(nRow, 1);
if (sColor == "#009898")
pMe.SetCellBackColor(nRow, -3, "transparent");
pMe.SetCellBackColor(nRow, -3, "#009898");
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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