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SetCellText - method of the PmgWTable object

Sets text of the cell.
Empty SetCellText(Long Row, Long Col, String Value)
Row(Long) If the value is greater or equal 0 then it is a row index (zero-based index, counted including the fixed part).
Value -2 means the last row.
Value -3 sets the value in all rows (counted including the fixed part).
Col(Long) If the value is greater or equal 0 then it is a column index (zero-based index, counted including the fixed part).
Value -2 means the last column.
Value -3 sets the value in all columns (counted including the fixed part).
Value(String) The new value to be written.
It is not possible to set the value -3 in both parameters Row and Col; if the value is set in one parameter, then cannot be used in the other.
In order to make the modification visible, it is necessary to call the Draw method.

This method is also functional in Web panels.
See also:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oTable = pMe.Items("/Table");
oTable.SetCellText(-2, 1, "text");

Pm8.02.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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