InsertRow - method of the PmgWTable object
The method serves for inserting new row into the table on the specified position. It is not possible to insert into fixed rows. Rows on and after this position are moved.
Long InsertRow(Long Row, [Long Count])
Row | (Long) If the value is >=0, then it is a row index (zero-based index).
Value -2 means that the row is inserted to the end. |
Count | [optional] (Long) The number of new rows.
The default value is 1. |
Return value:
Returns the number of all (also fixed) rows (after requested rows are added).
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oTable = pMe.Items("/Table");
Dim oTable
Set oTable = pMe.Items("/Table")
oTable.InsertRow -2