Cols - property of the PmgWTable object
The number of table columns (counted including the fixed part).
Property access
for read and write.
The default value of this property is defined in the "
Table columns" configurator of this object.
The property can also be set by the
Dim method.
This property is also functional in
Web panels.
Caution: The table structure changes on setting the number of columns, i.e.
the content of all cells is cleared.
The set count must not be less than the
FixedCols property.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oTable = pMe.Items("/Table");
var nCols = oTable.Cols;
// Reading from the property
oTable.Cols = 8;
// Writing into the property
Dim oTable
Set oTable = pMe.Items("/Table")
Dim nCols
nCols = oTable.Cols
' Reading from the property
oTable.Cols = 8
' Writing into the property