pMe | (Object) Reference to the PmgWTable object where the event rises. |
pEvent | (Object) Reference to an object describing detailed information about the specific event.
pEvent.Row - (Long) [for reading] Row of edited cell (zero-based index, counted including the fixed part).
pEvent.Col - (Long) [for reading] Column of edited cell (zero-based index, counted including the fixed part).
pEvent.OldText - (String) [for reading] Old text before triggering this event.
pEvent.Text - (String) [for read and write] Edited and requested text. The setting depends on the value of the bChange parameter.
pEvent.ErrorText - (String) [for read and write] Allows to enter a text of the error message, for example wrong password, etc.
pEvent.Change - (Boolean) [for read and write] Allows to optimize editing: if the value of the parameter is changed to true, then the sText text is set, otherwise it isn't.
pEvent.ShowAlertDialog - (Boolean) [for read and write] If is set to true, then a warning window appears with the text entered in pEvent.ErrorText. |
var nRow = pEvent.Row;
var nCol = pEvent.Col;
var val = Pm.ToNumber(pEvent.Text);
if (val < 10000)
pMe.SetCellBackColor(nRow, nCol, "transparent");
pMe.SetCellBackColor(nRow, nCol, "#ffff00");