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GetCellTextAlign - method of the PmgWTable object

Returns text alignment of the cell.
Long GetCellTextAlign(Long Row, Long Col)
Row(Long) If the value is greater or equal 0 then it is a row index (zero-based index, counted including the fixed part).
Value -2 means the last row.
Col(Long) If the value is greater or equal 0 then it is a column index (zero-based index, counted including the fixed part).
Value -2 means the last column.
Return value:
0 - left
1 - Center
2 - Right
This method is also functional in Web panels.
Reading the text alignment of the cell on the 2nd row and 5th column.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oTable = pMe.Items("/Table");
var nAlign = oTable.GetCellTextAlign(1, 4);

Pm8.02.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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