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Find - method of the AdoRecordset object

Search for a record in the AdoRecordset object that meets the specified criteria.
Empty Find(String sCriteria, [Long nSkipRows], [Long nSearchDirection], [Variant vStart])
sCriteria(String) The value that contains a statement - specifies the column name, comparison operator, and value to use in the search. For example "Country='Czech republic'", "Date>#7/22/2011#", "Country LIKE C*", etc.
nSkipRows[optional] (Long) Specifies the row offset from the current row or vStart bookmark to begin the search. The default value is 0.
nSearchDirection[optional] (Long) The value specifies the search direction:
1 (default) - (adSearchForward) Searches forward from the starting position.
If no match, then the current record is set after the last record (the EOF property).
-1 - (adSearchBackward) Searches backward from the starting position.
If no match, then the current record is set before first record (the BOF property).
vStart[optional] (Variant) Specifies the starting position (Bookmark).
If not set, then the starting position will be the position of the current record.
If a valid Bookmark is defined, then it will be used as starting position.
It is also possible to use standard numeric constants for specifying the start position:
0 (default) - (adBookmarkCurrent) Current record.
1 - (adBookmarkFirst) First record.
2 - (adBookmarkLast) Last record.
The found record is selected as the current record.
Setting the position of the active record to first record that has in the ("name") column the value of ("pi"), in the PmaAdo object ("/TestAdoDb"), that is already connected to the database (see the DbOpen method), by means of the SQL query ("SELECT * FROM table1").
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oDb = pMe.Pm("/TestAdoDb");
var oRs = oDb.RsOpen("table1", "SELECT * FROM table1", "cursor:static;");
if (oRs)
oRs.Find("name='pi'", 0, 1, 1);

Pm8.01.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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