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Save - method of the AdoRecordset object

The method saves the AdoRecordset object into the file or into the Stream object.
When the method is finished, the current record will be set at first record of the AdoRecordset object.
If there is a filter applied to the AdoRecordset object, then only the "filtered" records will be saved.
This method can be called only on an open AdoRecordset object.
Object Save([Variant destination], [Long persistformat])
destination[optional] (Variant) Specifies where to save the AdoRecordset object (the path name to the file or a reference to a Stream object).
persistformat[optional] (Long) The PersistFormatEnum value that specifies the format of the Recordset (XML or ADTG).
0 (default) - adPersistADTG Saves in the Microsoft Advanced Data TableGram (ADTG) format.
1 - adPersistXML Saves in the XML format (Extensible Markup Language).
1 - adPersistADO Saves in ADO's own Extensible Markup Language (XML) format.
This value is the same as adPersistXML and is included for backwards compatibility.
2 - adPersistProviderSpecific The provider will persist the Recordset using its own format.
See also:
- AdoRecordset.Filter (property)
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

oRs.Save("C:\\\\Data\\\\testdata.dat", 1);
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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