AbsolutePosition - property of the AdoRecordset object
The property returns or sets the value that specifies the ordinal position of the current record in the
AdoRecordset object.
The property returns or sets the value of the
Long type that specifies the ordinal (numeric) position of the current record in the
AdoRecordset object.
The property returns or sets the value from 1 to the number of records in the
AdoRecordset object, or it returns the
PositionEnum value. The value is 1 when the current record is the first record in the
AdoRecordset object.
If you set this property to a number, then you will be moved to the record at the numeric position.
To get the total number of records in the
AdoRecordset object, use the
RecordCount property.
Long AbsolutePosition
-1 -
adPosUnknown specifies that the
Recordset is empty, the current record position is unknown, or the provider does not support the
AbsolutePage or
AbsolutePosition property
-2 - adPosBOF specifies that the current record is before the first record (BOF)
-3 - adPosEOF specifies that the current record is after the last record (EOF)
Property access
for read and write.
Accessing the
AbsolutePosition property of the
AdoRecordset object that was opened with either a forward-only or dynamic cursor raises the error
adErrFeatureNotAvailable. With other cursor types, the correct position will be returned if the
OLE DB provider supports the
IRowsetScroll: IRowsetLocate interface.
If the provider does not support the
IRowsetScroll interface, then the property is set to
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var nAbsPos = oRs.AbsolutePosition;
// Reading from the property
Dim nAbsPos
nAbsPos = oRs.AbsolutePosition
' Reading from the property