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Resync - method of the AdoRecordset object

The method refreshes the data in the AdoRecordset object. Only the records currently existing in the AdoRecordset object are synchronized. Eventual new records will not be seen in the database.
Empty Resync([Long nAffectRecords], [Long nResyncValues])
nAffectRecords[optional] (Long) The ADO AffectEnum type value specifies which records will be restored.
1 - (adAffectCurrent) Current record.
2 - (adAffectGroup) Records that comply with the filtering criteria (the Recordset.Filter property).
3 (default) - (adAffectAll) All records.
nResyncValues[optional] (Long) The ADO ResyncEnum value type specifies whether the records in the database are to be overwritten.
1 - (adResyncUnderlyingValues) Does not overwrite data and pending changes are not cancelled.
2 (default) - (adResyncAllValues) Overwrites the data and pending changes are cancelled.
Contrary to the Requery method, the SQL query is not re-executed.
See also:
- PmaAdo.RsOpen (method)
- PmaAdo.DbExecute (method)
Re-reading of existing data of the AdoRecordset object, previously created and stored in the PmaAdo object ("/TestAdoDb") with defined identifier ("table1").
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oDb = pMe.Pm("/TestAdoDb");
var oRs = oDb.RsGet("table1");
if (oRs)

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PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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