nOptions | [optional] (Long) Specifies how to execute this statement. It can be value of the ADO AffectEnum type.
-1 (default) - (adOptionUnspecified) Non-defined statement - means standard execution (synchronously).
16 - (adAsyncExecute) Asynchronous query, it means that the method does not wait for the operation result.
It corresponds to the ADO adAsyncExecute value. 32 - (adAsyncFetch) Specifies that the rows defined by the AdoRecordset.CacheSize property are to be read synchronously and any remaining rows should be fetched asynchronously.
It corresponds to the ADO adAsyncFetch value. 64 - (adAsyncFetchNonBlocking) Specifies that the main thread will never be blocked while reading is being processed.
If the requested row is not read, then the cursor will be moved to the end. It corresponds to the ADO adAsyncFetchNonBlocking value. 512 - (adExecuteRecord) Specifies that the called query/statement returns a single row, that is in the form of the AdoRecord object.
It corresponds to the ADO adExecuteRecord value. |
var oDb = pMe.Pm("/TestAdoDb");
var oRs = oDb.RsGet("table1");
if (oRs)