format | [optional] (Long) The StringFormatEnum value specifies the format when retrieving a AdoRecordset as a string.
2 - adClipString Delimits rows by the rowdel parameter, columns by the coldel parameter, and null values by the nullexpr parameter. |
n | [optional] (Long) The number of rows to be converted in the Recordset. |
coldel | [optional] (Long) If format is set to adClipString then it is a column separator. Otherwise it is the tab character. |
rowdel | [optional] (Long) If format is set to adClipString then it is a separator of rows. Otherwise it is the carriage return character. |
nullexpr | [optional] (Long) If format is set to adClipString then it is an expression used instead of a null value. Otherwise it is an empty string. |