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CancelUpdate - method of the AdoRecordset object

It is used for ending the edit mode and cancelling all modifications of the current record. The edit mode was started either by the AddNew method (in this case the new record is cancelled) or by writing the values into the current record (record editing).
Empty CancelUpdate()
See also:
Adds a new record into the table ("table1") and modifying the contents of the new record, using the stored AdoRecordset object ("table1"), in the PmaAdo object ("/TestAdoDb"), that is already connected to the database (see the DbOpen method), by means of the SQL query ("SELECT * FROM table1"). At the end, the adding of a new record is not confirmed by the Update method, but cancelled by the CancelUpdate method.
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var oDb = pMe.Pm("/TestAdoDb");
var oRs = oDb.RsOpen("table1", "SELECT * FROM table1", "cursor:static;lock:optimistic;");
if (oRs)
oRs.Fields.Item("name").Value = "pi";
oRs.Fields.Item("value").Value = 3.14;

Pm8.01.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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