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Communication with DIGI Control PLC devices

Communication possibilities with DIGI Control PLC devices by the GFR company (http://www.digicontrol.cz, www.gfr.de):

Communication by the S-BUS+ protocol

DIGI Control PLC devices have protocol called S-BUS+ as standard communication.

As the most suitable solution for communication by S-BUS+ protocol in the PROMOTIC application, is used the PROMOTIC driver:
PmSBUS - Driver for communication with PLC devices SAIA and DIGIControl by the S-BUS/S-BUS+ protocol

For easy integration of this driver into the application it is handy to use: Preconfiguration "PmSBUS - PLC DIGIControl - Communication set with data and panel".

Communication by the BACnet protocol

As the most suitable solution for communication by BACnet protocol in the PROMOTIC application, is used the PROMOTIC driver:
PmBACnet - Driver for communication by the BACnet protocol

For easy integration of this driver into the application it is handy to use: Preconfiguration "PmBACnet - Communication set with data and panel for non-defined device".

Other communication options

There are others possibilities for communication with DIGI Control PLC devices.
An OPC server from other firms also can be used for the communication - see Communication by OPC interface.
Then the PROMOTIC application will communicate as a client by the OPC interface.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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