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Communication with PLC devices by the Koyo Electronics company

The PLC devices Direct Logic by the Koyo Electronics company has more communication possibilities:

Communication by the Modbus protocol

The PLC devices allow to communicate by the Modbus protocol.
- Modbus RTU for serial link supported by all PLC devices.
- Modbus TCP/IP for Ethernet supported by communication modules H0/H2/H4 ECOM 100.

For this communication in the PROMOTIC system can be used:

For this driver, it is recommended to set the configurators: (the setting is valid for PLC devices DL06)
- PmaCommGroup > Parameters > Special Parameters > Area base addresses:
- Base address "Bo = Coil/output bits" = 2048
- Base address "Bi = Input bits" = 2048
- Base address "Ro = Holding/output registers" = 0
- Base address "Ri = Input registers" = 0
- "Data item address" then enter as follows:
Memory Type Address range of the data item MODBUS address range
Inputs (X) Bi0 - Bi511 2048 - 2559
Special Relays (SP) Bi1024 - Bi1535 3072 - 3583
Outputs (Y) Bo0 - Bo511 2048 - 2559
Control Relays (CR) Bo1024 - Bo2047 3072 - 4095
Timer Contacts (T) Bo4096 - Bo4351 6144 - 6399
Counter Contacts (CT) Bo4352 - Bo4479 6400 - 6527
Stage Status Bits (S) Bo3072 - Bo4095 5120 - 6173
Timer Current Values (V) Ri0 - Ri255 0 - 255
Counter Current Values (V) Ri512 - Ri639 512 - 639
V-Memory, user data (V) Ro640 - Ro3839 640 - 3839
V-Memory, user data (V) Ro4096 - Ro8191 4096 - 8191
V-Memory, non-volatile (V) Ro3840 - Ro3967 3840 - 3967

Note: "MODBUS address range" = The address range of the data item if Area base addresses is 0.

Communication by the DirectNet protocol

It is the proprietary protocol of the KOYO company, used for communication via the computer's serial port RS232C/RS422. This protocol is supported in all series of the KOYO devices.
- The communication is done for serial link (COM1, COM2 ...).
- For this communication in the PROMOTIC system can be used:
- The PROMOTIC application is the Master (it means that it initiates the data transfer) from this communication point of view.

The ASCII communication

The communication via the computer's serial port with the ASCII communication (supported, for example, by the DL06 devices). The protocol is created by the designer.
For this communication in the PROMOTIC system can be used:

Communication PROFIBUS-DP and DeviceNet

The communication on the PROFIBUS-DP and DeviceNet buses is accessible for the PROMOTIC application by the OPC interface.
The PROMOTIC application is the OPC client and it communicates with the OPC server.
The OPC server for this communication has to be purchased at the HW supplier.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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